• Monoosh Pilates 05
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  • Monoosh Pilates 04

Medical Questionnaire

It is important that I understand as much about your health as you do before you begin any class sessions with me.

All information is important for my future reference and of course remains strictly confidential.

Please click the button below to download the pre-Pilates Assessment form, print and complete as thoroughly as you can. Read and understand our terms and conditions and then sign and return to me.

My Class Members Say....

  • I used to suffer from regular bouts of back pain, however since becoming a weekly attendee at one of Monoosh's entertaining sessions she has provided expert instruction whereby I have been able to significantly "strengthen my core".

    Consequently, my improved overall strength and flexibility throughout my body has resulted in better support for my back - consigning the kind of discomfort I used to experience to history.

    I can't recommend Monoosh's classes, or the health benefits to be derived from them enough.


  • Woke up this morning aching and too sore to get dressed - not helped by carrying a baby around for three days. After your session it was wonderful. Mobile and pain free afternoon. Thank you.


  • I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Monoosh's Pilates classes to anyone who would like to improve their core strength and flexibility. The class sizes are small so there is a friendly, family feel and, most importantly, you get 1-2-1 focussed attention from Monoosh to ensure you are moving correctly to get the maximum benefit. Monoosh undertakes regular training so the classes are always evolving to incorporate new exercises and techniques. It's a really enjoyable class.

  • I've been going to Monoosh's beginners pilates zoom class for 8 weeks. Every week I am feeling a difference in my form, technique and core strength.

    This is the first time I have attended a class in which the teacher shows a genuine interest in making a difference. In each session Monoosh pays close attention - commenting on my form, correcting my position where necessary and adjusting exercises for my strengths/weaknesses.

    I'm not sure how she does it but, a class of 4 feels like a 1-2-1 session.

    Through her passion and experience, Monoosh has the ability to identify where I have any muscle tightness or weaknesses. Knowing she is guiding me through each exercise gives me the confidence to stretch/reach a little more. Because of this, I feel I am progressing every week and have a greater awareness of my core and pelvic floor in everyday life.

    I can’t wait to see how I improve over the next block of lessons.


  • Just wanted to let you know I look forward to your Pilates classes every week & after 6 months I’m now beginning to notice a difference in my core strength & posture. Also some of the upper body movements we do are really assisting with the physio I’m doing for my rotator cuff issue & my shoulder / arm seem to be continually improving in mobility & strength.

    I think my whole body benefits from Pilates & I wish I’d taken it up years ago, I think everyone should do Pilates! Thank you & hopefully I’ll keep improving.


  • A physiotherapist who was trying to treat my recurring back pain relating to an earlier injury recommended I try Pilates. My wife found Monoosh practising locally so I went along and signed up. I was immediately inspired by her understanding of the musculoskeletal system and, spurred on by her infectious cheerfulness, boundless enthusiasm and gorgeous Irish accent I am still attending her classes over a decade later. She has trained and maintained my core muscles to support my spine to cope with my active lifestyle, allowing me to enjoy regular mountain biking, golfing, skiing, sailing and kayaking adventures without pain or other treatment.

  • Monoosh is a brilliant instructor, she explains the moves so clearly, my body is so much stronger since attending her STOTT Pilates classes.

  • Monoosh's Pilates class was recommended to me as I had back problems with sciatica. Thanks to her classes it’s made a huge difference to the pain I previously had.

  • I always look forward to Zoom Pilates classes with Monoosh. Classes are fun and friendly. Monoosh always takes great care to check that we are doing the movements correctly and this gives me confidence in myself. I love doing Pilates with Monoosh and I feel healthier and happier when I am participating in her classes. The Friday morning class really sets me up for a happy weekend.

  • Since joining Monoosh's Pilates class my mobility has improved. Her awareness and guidance on body movement is so beneficial. An all round fitness and wellbeing class.

  • Monoosh is an excellent instructor who is passionate about the benefits of Stott Pilates. She is really clear in instructions and very encouraging with a bit of humour thrown in every now and again which makes the Zoom classes much more engaging.

    My core is definitely stronger and after the first 6 weeks, I started to really understand how to engage my deeper abdominal muscles which had been previously been neglected.

    Monoosh is a brilliant instructor and I would highly recommend her!

    Pilates with Monoosh

    07930 658344
    [email protected]